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Hello and Welcome from Zoe and Deefer!

Maybe your dog struggles when you are not in sight, maybe they struggle to be completely alone?

     want to be able to go for a spontaneous coffee with friends / to collect the kids on the school run / to pop to the shop / to go to the bathroom unsupervised by a furry shadow. 

    Is that really too much to ask?

Bespoke Behaviours Zoe and Deefer

Thank you for visiting us! I expect you have found us because you are seeking an experienced trainer to make life, connection and communication with your furry companion just that bit easier!

No it is not too much to ask. I get it. It is incredibly frustrating and exhausting, requiring constant planning to the nth degree, and despite loving them dearly; feeling chained to your desperate dog and isolated. I absolutely understand.

I can help

Perhaps you have a dog who finds the world to be a scary place, who is always on edge and the sight of new people or unfamiliar dogs sends them into a barking, lunging frenzy?


I just want to enjoy walks with my dog. I want to step foot out of the door without us both feeling anxious.

I don't want to be embarrassed by my dog barking and lunging at other dogs / people, or by other owners making comments.

I want to be able to take my dog on holiday or for days out with me. Is this ever going to happen?

Walking fearful dogs is unbelievably anxiety invoking. It can feel like a struggle from the first footstep. You need to be hyper-vigilant and prepared for the unexpected around every corner. There is also the never-ending perception of being judged by passers by and on the receiving end of plenty of comments and 'advice' from strangers. I get it, I have your back. I have been there.

I can help

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'Zoe has been amazing helping me navigate the puppy and adolescence years with my little Cavapoo (Ollie) he’s lively little monster that’s always is looking for the next thing to do. Zoe has been brilliant, taking her time to understand him and get to know how he ticks (I don’t even think he knows). Ollie gets super excited when we have any training sessions with Zoe. So much so he’s attempted to sabotage a session as he wanted to see Zoe.' (Chad and Ollie)

About bespoke behaviours

Experienced. Understanding. Gentle.

Like many others, I fell into the world of dog training almost by accident. I adopted my rescue dog; Deefer, having visions of the hours of walks in sunny meadows, frolicking on beaches and relaxed family days out we would have together. However, I quickly learned that my new furry friend was a super frightened, complex creature who would require a huge amount of support, patience and understanding to enable him to live life to the fullest extent that he could.

When he arrived, Deefer could not be left alone. He would pace, bark and howl like a wolf.  The neighbours didn't love us!


With time, patience and a consistent programme to make him feel safe when alone, we gradually moved past the separation issues. He will still choose to follow me around the house if I am home, but he doesn't stress if I am in another room and he can also be left completely alone for hours with no anxiety whatsoever.

Deefer's overwhelming issue is that he is terrified of offlead and unfamiliar dogs which results in him perceiving a threat that is (in my opinion, not his!) out of context.

Bespoke Behaviours Training

The commitment to helping my dog to cope a little better with the outside world required that I threw myself into learning about the world of positive, kind and gentle dog training and canine behaviour so that I could provide the encouragement and opportunities for him to flourish.

Bespoke Behaviours About Us Deefer's Story

Deefer has taught me more than I could ever imagine and I can never repay him for the changes to my life that he has brought. Deefer inspired me to change careers and work with dogs full time. It is the most rewarding job that I can imagine, supporting owners and their dogs to communicate better, to understand each other and to move forwards positively as a team.

I qualified with distinction in a Level 5 Advanced Diploma in Applied Canine Behaviour, I have trained hundreds of dogs for a leading local dog training company and I am a fully qualified Separation Anxiety Pro Trainer from the Julie Naismith academy.


Along the way, I have learned to re-frame my perception of my furry nemesis! I have examined my initial expectations of Deef against the realistic goals with the fresh understanding that he is an individual. Why should I expect that he be like some other dogs? He is who he is, so I need to adjust our world a little to allow him to make the most of it.

Deefer has moved in my view from being the biggest pain in my butt to my mentor (although we still have those 'butt' moments!). I can help you to re-frame that relationship with your dog, to understand each other, recognise when they are struggling and how you can work together for a more harmonious relationship.

Bespoke Behaviours About Us Deefer's Story
Bespoke Behaviours About Us Deefer's Story

What does Bespoke Behaviours offer to clients?

All behavioural support and training that I offer is bespoke to your individual dog. The foundations will be achieved based on your dog informing us of their reality and working with their emotional response.

There is no one size fits all approach. We are all different, our dogs are all different.

My training follows consistent rules of positivity, giving dogs choices and never ever putting them in situations invoking additional anxiety, fear or any physical discomfort. 

Working in this way allows us to respect each dog as an individual and to develop their trust, optimism and confidence. I will help you to understand your furry friend and their specific reality, to advocate for them, and to work together as a strong team with an incredible bond!

Bespoke Behaviours About Us Deefer's Story


Level 5 compas s Advanced  Diploma
SA Qualification Badge Naismith
Compass Level 3 Diploma
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Separation Anxiety Certificate qualification
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